Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Think It Can't Happen?

Sharia law? Moslems making laws upon us? Can't happen?
Ok Sheep, keep grazing, but give a listen while the Sheepdog clues you in.
It's like this, Ya gonna wait til the Fox is in the henhouse, or would it be a good idea to get out the 12 guage and stop him before he gets to the henhouse. Not a difficult choice, is it? That is the way we are supposed to live life. Stop trouble before it gets here, rather than just live with the mess.
It is the same way with this extreme radical Islamist bunch. In a town in Somalia, it is law! Moslem law! That if it is known that you don't pray 5 times a day, you will be beheaded. It's the LAW! Can't happen here? Maybe can't happen in Australia, where those heavy spined folks reacted to the Moslem condemnation of their wearing of bathing suits by holding a bikini clad march, right up to the door of their welcome center. Damned sure could happen here. Folks up in one Congressional district in Minnesota, elected a moslem as the best the democrats could muster. Good Moslem? Bad Moslem? Does he "live" his book? Is he devout? Is he alright with being among the infidel, sitting as representative of the infidel?
We have a press that severely slants the truth on incidents, leaving out incidentals such as, links to fellow radicals, etc. Most of the sheeple watch CNN, ABC, NBC for their news, and don't even realize what is really going on. Many of these Americans feel that if it isn't in their state, their county, on their street; it doesn't involve them. I hope they have picked out their burhkas and veils, and are ready to pull their daughters out of school.
I would urge all of the Sheepdogs to suggest, as forcefully as needed, to the sheeple that they oughta check in with reality once in awhile. Once every day or two at Michelle Malkins, or Blackfive, or wherever, or just watch FOXNews, instead of the other talking heads.
Now, I gotta get back on the hilltop. Y'all just keep grazin' we sheepdogs are watchin' the wolf.
Sheepdogs, OUT!


At 8:19 AM, Blogger Fallen' Angel said...

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At 6:49 AM, Blogger Ca... said...

Hallelujah, etc, and, oh yeah, let's not forget, "Amen!"

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Papa Ray said...

Yep, could happen here and just might even be easier than anywere else. Look at all the help that the Islamic believers have. Besides our media, they have all the professors at our universitys, most of the lawyers and Federal Judges and the ALCU. CAIR gets help from our Federal and some state governments and of course our School System is teaching Islam and anti-americaism to our kids.

We even have Muslim Mullahs in our Military, making sure our Muslim in uniform get the proper instruction in Islam.

President Bush jr, still doesn't understand that Islam is the Muslims worse enemy as well as ours. He thinks that the few million that want to kill and enslave us will be stopped by the Billions who just want the world to be converted to Islam by "Peaceful" means.

Met any Moderate "Free" Muslims lately?

Know how to tell if that is what they really are?

If they say they have rid themselves entirely of Islam and are willing to not only denounce it but fight it with words and arms, you might be able to believe them.

But they (Islamists) are taught by the Quar'an to lie to the unbelievers, so until you actually see actions to match the words,

well...don't turn your back.

Papa Ray
West Texas

At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the defeatist dhimmicrats are getting even worse since you posted this.

g-d help us we need it


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